sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2014

I present to you one of my first wood carving in artwood and woodcraft works. The Falcon girl is one of the most characteristic jobs of my collection. How few, it fits perfectly in my main theme, the "human-animal" woodcarving artworks.

The mutual relationship between child human frailty and the power of the falcon is coloured with the golden. The Gold simply serves to emphasize the preciousness of an union like that, a connection that balances weaknesses and sums strengths.

Wood: Brazilian red cedar
Dimensions: 60cm x 20cm x 4cm

The falcon is one of the greatest symbols of sovereignty in the skies, one of the most strongest phallic elements that exist within the overall wild world. When features derived from this point join the eminent weakness of a human girl, you can see clearly a virtuous connection, which gives grandeur and power where naturally we habituate to see weakness and fragility .

That girl, like every child, has a vital power and unending capacity to promote growth, intelligence, dexterity, and skill worthy from the falcon, one of the most sovereign in wild life. This bird is there to symbolize that exists power and sovereignty within an element that just seems to be weak and unprotected (the girl). In the inmost soul, every child has a "hawk-falcon-eagle" very powerful, and deny something like that isn´t perceive all the power and complexity that exists within this ambiguous, paradoxical, contradictory and inevitable connection between man and the animal universe.

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